On 13 May 1884 a few electrical engineers in New York met to form the American Institute of Electrical Engineers which later became IEEE. By a co-incidence exactly a hundred years later, on 13 May 1984 a few members of IEEE formed a Section of IEEE at Hyderabad. This Section was formed by upgrading what used to be the IEEE Hyderabad Subsection that was formed in mid 1981 with just 25 members with the initiative of Mr C Satish (now a Life Senior Member), Group. Capt. Siva Swamy was the Chairman of subsection. Dr V Prasad Kodali, who was elected as Region 10 Director in that year gave much encouragement for the formation of Hyderabad section. The Subsection and the Section had a unique set of volunteers of merit and dedication especially in the 1980s. the section grew slowly due to the hard work of Gp. Capt Siva Swami, Prof B L Deekshatulu, C. Satish, B.S. Nagaraja et al. Prof. B L Deekshatulu was the first Chairman of the Section in 1984 who is now Life Fellow of IEEE.
The Section has been very active from right from its Subsection days. The Subsection’s first continuing education program was a course on “Signal Processing” held on 9 and 10 September 1981. The first short course by the Section was on “Secure Communications” from 13 to 22 December 1984 which drew over 100 attendees. Incidentally our section we conducted 32 continuing education programs in the first two decades. Even in formation of Society Chapters , Hyderabad Section has shown a tremendous efforts. In the early 1990s the first Chapter PES / IAS / PELS Joint Chapter was formed. Few years later a Computer Society Chapter and then a EMC/MTT/AES Joint Chapter were formed.
Today there are 11 chapters and Three affinity groups in Hyderabad section

Special Initiatives: Future Direction Committee: – The Section has constituted Future Directions Committee for formulation of future activities and strategies. Conference Committee: – This committee screens and recommend the conferences proposed by non-IEEE OU’s for technical co-sponsorship. EPICS: – Two projects on EPICS have been executed. A project on Electrical safety Was taken up to prevent accidental deathsdue to open wire power lines. SIGHT: – Formed a committee to take up Humanitarian activities. IEEE Skill Connect: – It is an initiative for improving the skills and employability for engineering student.